How To Control Hypertension? Top 10 Recommended Foods (Urdu-English)

Treatment Without Medicines-Top 10 Foods For Controlling Hypertension or High Blood Pressure 
There are lots of ways to treat hypertension issue of yours, you can easily control your blood pressure level. Here are these top ten foods which can control your hypertension status and can make your health to reach to a normal stage. So if you do have this issue, it is important for all affected people to start taking these foods and balance the level of your blood pressure.

1. Potassium Rich Foods
In your meals, there should be potassium rich foods. These potassium packed foods will balance the level and amount of water and salt in your body. At times, the amount of salt in our body gets exceed and at times, the amount of water gets to exceed.

2. Fiber Rich Food Items
These fiber rich food items comes in the form of vegetables. You have to make sure that on your meal table, there has to be presence of vegetables, these green vegetables can easily take you out from hypertension status.

3. Omega 3 Fatty Acids
From fish and peanuts, you can consume these omega 3 fatty acids. You can too take these fish oil supplements, it is proved that these supplements help you a lot in reducing your blood pressure and hypertension mode.

4. Calcium, Magnesium Packed Foods
Apart from having a composed mind, your diet have to be packed with magnesium and calcium enriched foods. These are important elements which can keep your blood pressure to remain normal.

5. Vitamin C Presence in Your Diet Plan
Though exercise is also important for such patients, but you should also add lots of vitamin C presence in your diet plan. If there is a vitamin C deficiency then you will often get high blood pressure.

6. Oatmeal Porridge
Note that this oatmeal porridge is fully packed with the presence of magnesium. Lots of fiber is present in this porridge which will help you in maintaining your health and blood pressure.

7. Oranges
Oranges are wholly loaded with potassium, other nutrients are present in oranges which let your arteries and veins not to be blocked.

8. Cereal
You can take any kind of cereal in your meal plans, these cereals are packed with heavy amount of fiber and potassium.

9. Fish
To induct proteins and Vitamin D in your body, you have to consume fish on a health note and this element is also productive for your BP level. Your cholesterol level is maintained by taking fish as well.

Do consume lots of dry fruits like we have pistachio and peanuts. These dry fruits have magnesium, potassium and fiber in them.

This is the method to control your hypertension tissue, so get these foods in your meal plans and stay of having this health issue. You can keep connected over here and will share more of the health measures that how can you balance your hypertension mode. Contact us for permanent treatment of hypertension. Here are some recommended articles of for you.

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How To Control Hypertension? Top 10 Recommended Foods (Urdu-English)

How To Control Hypertension? Top 10 Recommended Foods (Urdu-English)

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